The Power of Photo Editing

Have you ever seen a photo on a travel site and thought “that place is so pretty it can’t possibly exist?”. Chances are you’re probably right. Photo editing and Photoshop happen to be an obvious tool in media and travel sites which people tend to be oblivious to. Filters and strategic shots can determine how you view a place, and cities and the travel industry will use it to convince you that their cities are the best place to visit.

When I was on a camping trip at a provincial park, I meet a photographer hired to help advertize the park. He asked to take photos of my brother who was splashing water in a lake, hoping to add him the park’s official website. When he was taking the photos he explained how he might not be able to use the photos because there were clouds in the back ground. Clouds give the impression that it rains a lot, which does not bring the tourists in. Small details like theses are thought out in travel magazines, travel websites and Pinterest posts. They do everything they can to make everything seem more appealing.

Photo enhancing is in my option, the most misleading. Photo enhancing changes how the reality would have looked completely. This deception isn’t just used in travel photos however, but all around us. Instagram, magazines, Pintreset, photo enhancing is expected and changes our perception on the true reality. Take these two photos for example. The first one is and unedited photo of myself, and the second one is edited.


The affect of running a colour run

         It is always important when making decisions on your next vacation destination, to remember that travel agents are always trying to sell the locations to you. Make your choices based on your preferences, what you’re looking for in a vacation. Looking at photos can be inspiring and helpful, but keep in mind that they aren’t always trustworthy and you may need to lower your standards if you choose to travel there.

Kona, Hawaii

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